A downloadable Session 0 Activity

What Are Frameworks?
A framework is a set of three or four basic themes, traits, or concepts, each a word or two long, that can be used to start a character concept. These are the core of the character and are there to assist in creating and playing a character. This activity allows the whole group to create frameworks together, and allows the GM to participate at the very start of character creation.

The Basics
Everyone will be writing down general one or two word themes, traits, or concepts onto cards. They then take turns placing those cards down to build a framework for character creation. Players will be placing cards down for both their characters and other player’s characters. The GM also participates by placing or swapping cards into player's frameworks. There is also a way to make traits forbidden to the party. There should be three to four cards in each framework. Once created, a framework is used to build a character for play in any system.

If you play test and enjoy this please let me know!


Character Framework Builder.pdf 172 kB

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